The brain is made up of about 60% fat (by weight) and as such, needs high-quality fats in order to function optimally. It would be decades before American nursing leaders had the necessary social and political weight to ensure that all training school graduates-irrespective of the site of their training-had comparable clinical and classroom experiences. Nurses’ training schools, first established in American general hospitals in the 1860s and 1870s, had already proved critical to the success of these particular hospitals, and asylum superintendents hoped they would do the same for their institutions. 1920It is, at present, hard to assess the impact of nurses’ training schools on the actual care of patients in psychiatric institutions. Some established separate programs-often called "psychopathic hospitals"-within general hospitals to treat patients suffering from acute mental illnesses. Training schools in asylums, unlike those in general hospitals, actively welcomed men. Local governments could avoid the costs of caring for the elderly residents in almshouses or public hospitals by redefining what was then termed "senility" as a psychiatric problem and sending these men and women to state-supported asylums.

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